Trusting in God’s Sovereignty

Jigsaw puzzles seem to be the rage lately. Do you remember doing them as kids? Placing each piece in its specific spot was fun . . . until you either couldn’t figure out how one fit—or heaven forbid—you lost a piece. Then everything changed. It wasn’t fun anymore. More like frustrating. This got me thinking about life and how much our lives are like a jigsaw puzzle. When things are going along nicely, the pieces fit perfectly. The picture is becoming clear. We can see it and it’s just within our grasp. And then—WHAM!

Something happens. We can’t make the next piece fit or we’ve lost one. Our path changes. And not the way we want it to. We question God. “What are You doing? This is not what I wanted.”

Abducted in Alaska

Canadian border patrol officer Hannah Morgan receives bad news that rocks her world, crushing her well-thought out plans for her life. How could this be happening? She questions God and what He’s doing. She goes through a roller-coaster set of emotions and has to work through the journey of trusting in God’s sovereignty. Her bump in her journey doesn’t fit into her perfect jigsaw puzzle. The picture is now distorted and she can’t see the end result.

What can she do?

We’ve all been there, right? So what do we do when that happens? Do we shove the entire puzzle on the floor and start over? No. We pick through each piece one at a time and trust we’ll find the right one. Hannah has to do this too and in the end becomes stronger.

Pieces of the Puzzle

God knows the big picture. He sees all the pieces of our lives—from the beginning to the end. Every happy moment and every blip in the road. Do we throw Him to the curb and stomp our feet thinking we can do things on our own?

No. We fall to our knees and TRUST. He’s sovereign and knows all. From the beginning to the end. He has bigger and better plans than anything we could ever dream possible.

We just need to trust Him with every piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

Jeremiah 29:11 (VOICE)
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Eternal, “plans for peace, not evil, to give you a future and hope—never forget that.”

For a chance to win an e-book copy of Abducted in Alaska, answer this question in the comments below: Do you find it hard to trust God with every piece of your life? How do you cope when one doesn’t fit into your jigsaw puzzle?

Darlene L. Turner’s love of suspense began when she read her first Nancy Drew book. She’s turned that passion into her writing and believes readers will be captured by her plots, inspired by her strong characters, and moved by her inspirational message. 

Darlene won the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense twice and an ACFW Genesis award. She’s represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency. Her debut book, Border Breach, released in April, 2020 with Love Inspired Suspense. She has two books releasing in 2021: Abducted in Alaska (March) and Lethal Cover-Up (August).

Darlene met her husband Jeff at the turtle races in Ontario, Canada. She loves flavored coffee and plaid shirts. You can connect with Darlene at where there’s suspense beyond borders

Darlene’s Socials…








Protecting a child… could cost them their lives.

Saving a boy who has escaped his captors puts Canadian border patrol officer Hannah Morgan right into the path of a ruthless child-smuggling ring. Now with help from police constable Layke Jackson, she must keep the child safe. But can they rescue the other abducted children and bring down the gang…all while protecting a little boy and keeping themselves alive?

Places to grab a copy…

There’s Amazon US

Or Amazon CA (for the Canadians)

And Amazon UK (you get the idea)

And to read about Darlene L Turner’s debut novel, click here…

2 thoughts on “Trusting in God’s Sovereignty

  1. Lori Altebaumer says:

    God used a prodigal child to teach me that trusting in Him is all I have. It was the most painful lesson I’ve ever had to learn, but it has stuck with me! I’m looking forward to reading Darlebe’s new book!

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