Matt 1:23 Amplified Version
Immanuel, God with us. We don’t normally use all caps when we format The Word on Wednesday, but the Amplified translation uses it here and I love the enthusiasm.
Given that I coordinate a blog called THE WORD on Wednesday, you’d think I would be a person who regularly has a word for the year. Lots of people do. But nope. I got nothing. Never have. Some years that’s bothered me, others it really hasn’t.
This year we moved to live behind the wire at Sandhurst, the British equivalent of West Point. The Army trains officers here and we have enjoyed attending church services at the memorial chapel here on camp. Over Christmas we were blessed to participate in Christingle on December 23, midnight mass on Christmas Eve and then a service on the morning of Christmas Day. I heard the name Immanuel spoken about and it has dug into my soul. The idea that Jesus’ name, given as far back as Isaiah’s day, translates to mean God with us.
A lot of things didn’t go the way I’d hoped, dreamed, or indeed, prayed in 2023. But none of it surprised the Lord and I firmly believe he was alongside me in all of the lows. I also believe he was orchestrating the good things, the things that blessed us and made us feel seen. Merriam Webster explains with as ‘a function word to indicate combination, accompaniment, presence, or addition.’ Come on. How great is that?
So, I’m choosing Immanuel as my word for 2024. Because more than anything else (even more than a three book contract), I want to walk through this year WITH Jesus. When I reach out to try and bless someone, I want that to be done in combination with Jesus because then I truly become his hands and feet. As I turn my hands to any task he has given me, I want to feel the presence of God. Whether I navigate joy or hardship, please let me be accompanied by the Lord. And in every word I speak, my prayer is that the addition of Jesus means he shines his light with each encounter.
I have learned that the word Immanuel only appears three times in the Bible (depending on the translation). Twice in Isaiah and then in Matthew. Often, heavily used words ring out to be taken most seriously, but so do the rare ones. Isaiah said it first in chapter 7:14.
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Listen carefully, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and she will call his name Immanuel (God with us).
Matthew then repeats the prophecy right after we’re given the genealogy of Jesus. I’m sure like the apostle Peter, there were many Jews who were looking for a conquering hero with a flaming sword to come and free them from the Roman oppression. But Matthew speaks of an altogether different savior. Christ the Lord. God with us. And this is a vital concept. Jesus isn’t a distant deity. He came down to be God with us. And he’s still here. It’s my prayer as we venture into 2024, you invite Jesus to be with you and whether you have a word for the year or not, you’ll look back and see Immanuel.

I’m a military wife, mom to two teenage girls, Young Lifer, worship leader, baker and poor but ardent skier. I bleed green and gold (go Pack) and love Jesus. I’ve written a Bible study for military wives and am working hard on a contemporary romance series.
If you’d like a great book on writing I helped with, here’s the link...
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Love, love, love this post!