Hidden, by Lori Altebaumer

Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

Give my puppy a new bone, and he’ll spend all morning looking for the perfect place to hide it. He’ll test out every nook and cranny he can squeeze into. I haven’t yet determined what the criteria are for selecting the final hiding place, but apparently, he knows. And even though I can assure him that he doesn’t need to hide the bone because nobody else in the house wants it, he insists. He’s a dog. It’s in his nature. 

It makes me wonder… do I treat God’s word like my puppy treats his new bone? I read His Word and memorize some Scriptures. But have I hidden His Word in my heart?

I have several Bibles handy at home. I even have a Bible on my phone. 

But these Bibles can be misplaced or taken from me. They can be destroyed by fire or other disasters. Relying on tangible or material objects to secure God’s Word for me is a risky thing to do.

I can memorize Scripture, but let’s be honest … I can’t memorize it all. And what I do memorize only lasts only until my memory fails me with age, accident, or disease. 

There are things I value that I keep in a locked box—maybe the safety deposit box at the bank or a safe. As an extra precaution, maybe I even hide or conceal the locked box to make sure no one finds it. Being from the South, a buried coffee can in the backyard is always a time-honored option as well.

Am I as committed to guarding God’s Word?

The word hidden used by David in the verse can mean to protect, to secret away so no one can take it.

The enemy longs to steal, kill, and destroy any way he can. An entertaining preacher with a slightly different version of the gospel. The brilliant coworker who makes the atheist argument. A close relationship with someone bent on encouraging us to stop living by God’s commandments. The enemy will send them to snatch the words of God’s truth away from us. Sadly, this world has no shortage of those who are opposed to God’s Word.

What does it look like to have hidden God’s Word in our hearts? It looks like walking out our faith with unwavering devotion. It looks like “I know what I know” even when I can’t put it in words. It looks like being made in the image of Christ, who, when tempted by Satan, rebuked him with the Word of God. 

David understood this…

Am I content to let it settle in my head without letting it change who I am by hiding it in my heart? Do I allow God’s Word to become so deeply embedded in my heart that no enemy, whether man, disease, or accident, can take it from me?

Have I hidden it so completely that it is now who I have become, rather than words that I recite?

We’re humans, created in the image of God. We are Christians born again into the image of Christ. Like a puppy with a new bone, we should be eager to protect our treasure—to tuck it away where nothing or no one can take it from us. 

A casual hold on the truth will not do when temptation stands at our door or, as David learned the hard way, appears on the rooftop next door. 

Meet Lori…
Lori Altebaumer

Her first novel, A Firm Place to Stand, released in January 2020. In between writing, Lori enjoys traveling with her husband and visiting her adult children where she can rummage through their refrigerators and food pantries while complaining there’s nothing good to eat here

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8 thoughts on “Hidden, by Lori Altebaumer

  1. Debb Hackett says:

    I love this reminder. I’ve taught several times on Psalm 119, the longest chapter of the Bible, and it can be distilled into this very thing.

  2. Kelly Goshorn says:

    Oh so true, Lori. Sometimes I take for granted that I’ll always have a Bible when I need to reference something or the internet to do a quick search for that passage on the tip of my tongue. Thanks for the encouragement to squirrel it away as it is more precious than gold.

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