
Gifts, by Debb Hackett.

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11 (NIV)

I make a pretty decent muffin, cookie, bar and cake. Really, I can make people smile with most things involving butter, sugar, flour and eggs. I’m no Bake-Off candidate, but I do okay. Some kind folks have said the ‘Ministry of Baking’ is one of my gifts.

When our youngest was weeks old, I belonged to a wonderful military wives Bible study. Each week we took it in turn to teach, and someone else would bring snacks. One particular week stands out in an otherwise blur of sleepless nights and vomit. You see, our littlest had severe reflux. Bad enough to eventually be hospitalized (she’s fine now, fourteen years later). Anyway, back to the story. This one morning, it was my turn to bring treats. Usually, I’d bake. Most military spouses are dab hands at some kind of dessert and can throw together a dinner party with two hours notice. Less in a pinch.

The Unexpected Option

But this one morning, the baby had been particularly unsettled the day before and we’d had a rough night. I think the longest stretch of sleep was ninety minutes. I was on fumes. Instead of baking, doing what was expected (not demanded, just my usual habit), I ran by the store and grabbed a packet of biscuits (that’s British for cookies). Sometimes we have the gift of time, or energy, but sometimes, it’s financial.

I wrestled with this for several days, until a friend pointed out that all the gifts are from God. And sometimes that means we use our time or talent, and sometimes the resource He’s given is money. The important part is that the gift comes from God, regardless of format.

Christmas Stories

In December every year, I heft out the box of Christmas books. One of my absolute favorites is Granny Goes to Bethlehem, by Kathy Weston. The book has a lot of fun with Mary’s parents showing up at the manger. And so we come to my selected verse, and word, gifts. Mary’s mum is not impressed with the gifts offered by the wisemen. Expensive, yes. Rich with meaning, yes (Melissa Carey will have more on this on Dec 21), but not very practical. Not what Mary’s mum expected as a useful baby shower gift.

Working on the premise that God is the maker of all things, and He forms us in our mother’s womb, and doesn’t make mistakes, I must ask the question – what are the obvious gifts He’s given you? And the follow up, is how do you use them for His glory?

Mary’s mum didn’t understand the significance of the gifts of the Magi, and so I challenge you to spend some time in prayer, asking the Lord to show you what abilities or resources you have that you may have overlooked, and how instead, you can put them to work for the Kingdom. And please, let me know how you get on. Merry Christmas, friends.

Meet Debb…

Debb Hackett

I’m a military wife, mom to two teenage girls, Young Lifer, worship leader, baker and poor but ardent skier. I bleed green and gold (go Pack) and love Jesus. I’ve written a Bible study for military wives and am working hard on a contemporary romance. 

If you’d like a great book on writing I helped with, here’s the link...

And you can find more Word on Wednesdays here

3 thoughts on “Gifts, by Debb Hackett.

  1. Mark Seaman says:

    Thank you for the gift of your blog each week. Your’s & others talents at writing & gift of communicating God’s word in a bite size thought each week to challenge & bless those of us who read them is a gift you are using well. Thank you & all your regular contributors & a blessed Christmas to you all. 🙏👍

  2. Lori Altebaumer says:

    Thanks for providing the “translations” for some of your very British words so this Texan could understand (especially with the biscuits… I was thinking it an odd choice when you could have bought actual cookies LOL). But a wonderful heart checking message. Thanks for sharing, Debb!

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