TWoW gift

Gift, by Debb Hackett

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11

Jesus, is God’s gift to this world, come as an infant, without sin, to save us from ours. He is freely given if we will only accept. 

We are fully surrounded by the Advent and Christmas season. As one group of folks cries ‘commercialism’ and another resists any and all celebration until the last couple of days before the 25th and still others go a little or a lot over the top, there’s another group, trying to be festive but focused on the truth of Christmas. 

I am all for some wonder and sparkle. I freely confess the decorations go up in our house in late November, because of some family birthdays (that’s our excuse). The tree has, on occasion, stayed up quite late. Especially in the past two years when the pandemic made life somehow darker. 

This year, I have been determined to focus on the joyful expectation of Christ’s birth. I did most of the preparations in October and November so I can be present and enjoy the myriad activities December often presents, but also, more importantly, take time to study the Advent message, focus on the main characters and events, and wonder at the goodness of God. 

Granny in the stable…

Since becoming a mom, I’ve collected a huge box of Christmas stories to read (by the light of the tree). One of my very favorites is ‘Granny Goes to Bethlehem,’ by Kathy Weston. The book covers what it might’ve looked like if Mary’s parents had also attended the humblest of births. 

On the topic of gifts, Mary’s mother is unequivocal. She thinks gold, frankincense and myrrh are lovely items, but she’s frankly unimpressed at their practicality, thinking a stroller might be more useful. Other wisdom is dispensed in a similarly hilarious manner. But in the end, the dissatisfaction with levels of cleanliness, a disagreement between Granddad’s dog and one of the Kings and the general chaos of a stable full of animals, are insignificant when those in attendance see Jesus’ face. 

And that’s what I’m hoping for this year. That all the extras that make Christmas lovely would dim in comparison to the Light of the World and his offer of salvation. Jesus, is God’s gift to this world, come as an infant, without sin, to save us from ours. His love is freely given if we will only accept. 

About Debb…

Debb Hackett

I’m a military wife and mom to two teenage girls (oh Lord have mercy). I write contemporary romance and have written a Bible study for military wives. I love to play guitar, read and ski, and I bleed green and gold (go Pack go). Swing by when I’ve been baking – the kettle is always on ready alert. 

If you’d like a great book on writing I helped with, here’s the link...

And you can find more Word on Wednesdays here

One thought on “

  1. Mark Seaman says:

    Lovely words and thoughts Debb.

    Bless you and yours in the days ahead, and may this Christmas prove as special as you hope at every level, both in the shared family fun and as God touches you in a deeper spiritual way.

    Every Blessing for 2022.

    Mark & Sandra

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