Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23 (ESV)
Fast, has never been my greatest talent. I ran a half marathon once, and during the months of training that took (I am, by nature, a couch potato), I dreamed of my old military fitness requirement of ten minute miles. Yeah. Not happening. Despite different training methods, consulting far superior runners than me and lots of effort, for me, a great run means getting two sub twelve minute miles in.
My husband, in comparison, is a fighter pilot who works at the cutting edge of technology. Everything about him screams of speed. His reflexes, his ability to grasp complex theories, even his walking pace. Fast by nature. He’s also loyal. And when he holds, he holds fast. And this time, I don’t mean quickly.
A slower type of fast
In today’s verse, the idea of fast is in a different, uncommon context. It means tightly or securely. Paul is reminding the Hebrews to hold tight to Jesus, in whom we confess having hope. Back when we were on our honeymoon, there was a devastating tsunami (2004). My husband and I were on a small island in the Maldives. We felt the tremor and saw the impact on our island, but one further out from us bore the brunt of the waves and we were spared. When it came time to leave, we needed to get a boat ride to the main island to get our flight back to Sri Lanka and then home. But there had been aftershocks that morning and the water was extremely rough. The boat, did not inspire confidence, but off we went. As we were tossed around, for a moment, I amused myself relating to the Apostles, right before Jesus calmed the storm, but as the waves got higher, my thoughts dissolved into fear. Almost twenty years on, my husband may still bear the marks on his arm from where I clung fast to him. I was as frightened as I have ever been.
A better place to cling
But even as I gripped my husband’s arm, I prayed Psalm 23 on repeat and slowly, as we pitched toward land, my grip loosened. I didn’t let go, because God gave me Wilb to journey through life with. But he also gave me himself. And that’s where I put my faith that day. Had the journey ended differently, I knew where I was going with absolute certainty. Jesus was then, and is today, a place to hold fast.
And why is he that? Because he promised to never leave or forsake those who put their faith and hope in him. That promise dates back to the ancient days when the Israelites were preparing to cross into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 31). Friends, our promised land is eternal, and no matter what storms life throws at us, we can hold fast to him, because he is faithful. Scholars have their opinions on the exact number, but it’s safe to say Jesus fulfilled over three hundred prophecies. When he says he’s going to do something, he does it.
Tighten your grip
In practical terms, what do these lovely trips to a tropical island and the edge of the Promised Land do for us? This type of this verse is instruction. Paul is telling the church what they are to do, (hold) how they are to do it (fast/tightly/securely) and why (because Jesus is faithful).
What can you do today to remove anything that makes your grip unstable and tighten your hold?
Me holding fast to my earthly rock👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

I’m a military wife, mom to two teenage girls, Young Lifer, worship leader, baker and poor but ardent skier. I bleed green and gold (go Pack) and love Jesus. I’ve written a Bible study for military wives and am working hard on a contemporary romance series.
If you’d like a great book on writing I helped with, here’s the link...
And you can find more Word on Wednesdays here…
A poignant and inspiring message Debb. Thank you.
Thank, Kate. It’s a blessing when the Lord drops a fully formed idea in my mind to write. And thank you for stopping by. Dx.