DELIGHTED, by Lori Altebaumer
He also brought me out of a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me (Psalm 18:19 NKJV).
My one-year-old grandson has the gift of curiosity for everything in his world and the spirit of awe and wonder that goes with it. He can study a single leaf or move pebbles around on the ground for countless minutes. Sure, a few of those minutes are spent trying to keep him from eating the leaves and rocks, but that’s okay. It’s a part of how he discovers his world. The things I pass over every day without a single thought are sources of immense fascination to a toddler filled with interest.
What a delight to experience the world anew through the innocent and inquisitive eyes of a child.
Our Heavenly Father feels the same when we marvel at His creation, find joy in discovering new things, or explore His hidden mysteries. I can only imagine His expression as He watches us explore our world with the curious nature He wove into our DNA, or the pleasure He experiences when we delight as small children in the discovery of something new — or a renewed interest in something old.
I wonder if He ever nudges Saint Peter and says, “Look, they’re exploring the galaxies. See the wonder on their faces!” Or maybe He taps Jesus on the shoulder and says, “Come watch this, they’re studying the mitochondria. They’re going to discover the cure for diabetes. Look at the joy in their eyes!” Maybe He quietly watches, filled with a Father’s love, as we stop to appreciate the colors of a sunset the smell of rain, or the taste of chocolate.
This verse tells us He delighted in the psalmist, David.
Us too…
He delights in us as well.
We don’t have to be a physicist or biologist or any other -ist. We only need to view His creation through the lens of a child, exploring with all of our senses the wonder of creation around us.
Sweet friends and sisters, the Creator of the Universe delights in each of us. The enemy wants to tell us we aren’t worthy or convince us we aren’t enough. But God tells us we are His delight.
Let us live each day knowing we are children delighted in by our Heavenly Father.
About the author…

Lori Altebaumer is a writer who only half-jokingly tells others she lives with one foot in a parallel universe. With her boots on the ground, head in the clouds, and heart in His hands, she is a wandering soul with a home-keeping heart in search of life’s best adventures. Lori loves sharing the joys of living a Christ-centered life with others through her writing.
Her first novel, A Firm Place to Stand, released in January 2020. She also blogs regularly from her website In between writing, Lori enjoys traveling with her husband and visiting her adult children where she can rummage through their refrigerators and food pantries while complaining there’s nothing good to eat here.
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Agreed on the amen and you’re welcome – thanks for stopping by.
Love the thought of God delighting us! Just makes me smile. Thanks for sharing, Lori.