
Delight, by Kimberley Woodhouse

“When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your comfort delights my soul.” Psalm 94:19, NASB

This word delight has been on my heart and mind a lot lately. Partly because I’ve had the awesome privilege of reading for endorsement my friend Asheritah Ciuciu’s new book coming out in December – Delighting in Jesus. (I highly recommend you go pre-order this RIGHT NOW.)

I’ve read through the book twice and it keeps resounding in me. We often talk in our Christian circles about finding our delight in Him, but are we actually living that out?

That’s when the verse above hit me square in the face. God knows everything about me. Everything. Even my anxious thoughts. 

Our world is full of high-action, fast-paced, crazy-busy, hamster-wheel living. We’re constantly churning out work, striving to do our best, and keeping up with the impossible schedules we’ve laid out for ourselves.  

Then the anxious thoughts multiply within us. We wake up in the middle of the night worried that we haven’t finished something or frantically going over our list for the next day. We worry over finances, our families, our health, our children, our parents, our deadlines… frankly, we tend to worry about everything, don’t we?

The solution to it all

But when we turn our attention fully back to God, and give over our day and our lives to Him with open hands, it is beautiful. His comfort truly does delight our souls.

You may be going through an incredibly tough time right now and the thought of delighting in Jesus is difficult to see through the haze and cloud-cover of this current trial. My best suggestion to you, my friend, is to grab onto Him. He understands the messy, the hard, the excruciating. Rest in His arms and know you are not alone. It doesn’t mean everything will be hunky-dory immediately. But His comfort will delight your soul when you cast your cares on Him.

Until next time, Keep on Keepin’ on,


Kimberley Woodhouse


Kimberley Woodhouse is an award-winning and bestselling author of more than twenty-five books. A lover of history, she’s sucked into the past and her husband lures her out with chocolate and golf. Passionate about in-depth Bible study, she has been a Precept Leader for many years. Married to the love of her life for three decades, she lives and writes in Colorado, where she wears the hat of the “coolest grandma.”

To find out more about Kim’s books, follow her on social media, and sign up for her newsletter/blog, visit her website

Find more of The Word on Wednesday, here

4 thoughts on “Delight, by Kimberley Woodhouse

  1. Kelly Goshorn says:

    What a beautiful and encouraging post.
    Thank you, Kim!
    Kathy, I’m continuing to lift you and your family in prayer. Love you, sweet friend.

  2. Kathy Bailey says:

    Kimberley, this is good stuff. We lost our daughter June 14, and I’ve been stumbling ever since. I know God was in it and I know He’s with me now, but delight? Maybe that’s the missing ingredient.

    • Debb Hackett says:

      I’ll certainly. be praying the Lord gives you those pockets of joy. Scripture is clear sorrow and joy can coexist. You are very loved, friend. Dx.

    • Kimberley Woodhouse says:

      Oh, dear lady. Thank you for sharing with us. We can all now be lifting you up to the Father. I pray for His comfort to encompass you, for His strength to uphold you, and for you to be able to cling to Him. In time, I pray for His comfort to restore your delight. You are walking one of the most difficult roads known to man, please know you are not alone. You are in His hands and We are here with you.

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