Care, by Melissa Carey

A fierce windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking over the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But He was in the stern, sleeping on the cushion. So they woke Him up and said to Him, “Teacher! Don’t You care that we’re going to die?” Mark 4:37-38 Holman translation

Jesus and crew were exhausted. Jesus had been teaching and preaching and healing for several days on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, just a few months into his ministry. With gentleness and compassion Jesus had listened to the crowd’s problems, their fears, their anxieties. He gave them answers and solutions and healed them. He CARED for them.

After pouring out his love on hundreds, it’s not surprising that Jesus fell asleep when he got in the boat. We don’t know how far out into the lake they got when a storm blew in, but it must’ve been pretty far out. At least far enough out that they wouldn’t have been able to swim to the shore, because the boys in the boat freak out when the storm breaks. 

Shaking Jesus awake, they’re not only afraid, but they’re mad— “Don’t you care that we’re going to die?”

Don’t you care?  Do you even care that the storm is swirling around us? Don’t you care that we can’t handle this, that we don’t know what’s going on, we’re terrified! And you’re sleeping? Don’t you care about us?

Sometimes don’t we all feel that way? Jesus, don’t you care that things are not working the way I planned? Don’t you care that I dread going to work? That my finances are closing in around me?  Don’t you care that I feel like there’s nobody that gets me?

Jesus, Don’t you care?

And what is Jesus’ response in that boat when he wakes up to these accusations that he doesn’t care?  

Does he get angry?  Nope. Instead he takes care of the problem. He commands the wind and the waves to “Be Still!”  

Then Jesus turns to Peter and James and Bartholomew and asks, ”Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

He’s basically asking them, “Don’t you TRUST me? Were you not with me these last few days watching me perform miracle after miracle?  Did you not see me CARING so deeply for all those that came to us?  Did you not see me to sort out the problems in their lives?  It all boils down to one thing… Don’t you trust that I care for you?” 

So, do we really really trust that Jesus has our best interests at heart? That when the storms in our life swirl around us that Jesus actually cares for us, enough to actually do something about our problems? 

You know that expression, “God helps those that help themselves”? Guess what? It is not in the Bible. That expression was made up by man. And Jesus doesn’t believe that. In fact, Jesus actually wants to help us, wants to care, wants to change the circumstances in our life. We don’t have to do it all alone. 

Invite Him in

But it’s hard to do—to ask Jesus into our storms.  

And sometimes there are barriers for us, inviting Jesus into our messy, chaotic situations. 

Sometimes we don’t feel like we’re worthy. Who am I that Jesus would care or answer my prayer? 

Or maybe we think we’ve messed up so many times there’s no way Jesus would want to help us out.  Again. Aren’t you sick of me yet, God?  

Friends, Jesus is never sick of being there for us. In fact, he is delighted when we call upon him, when we invite him into the situation.

It’s the enemy that wants us to feel guilty for asking for help through prayer from a gentle, loving father and his son, who want to do everything for us.   

Rick Warren says ‘Satan wants to limit our prayers because he knows our prayers limit him.’

What’s your storm? 

Have you ever asked Jesus, Don’t you care if I drown?” 

Wouldn’t it be amazingly awesome if we could confidently and with complete assurance, when our minds are a raging storm of confusion to  invite Jesus into the situation, instead of going it alone? 

Just a few chapters after this sea-calming, storm-squashing event, Mark shares the story of a father whose child was seriously ill, who called out to Jesus to heal his son and Jesus encouraged him that his faith would heal his son. 

And the father responds, “Jesus, I believe; help my unbelief!” 

That is us, Lord. Help us with our unbelief. Help us believe how much you love us. 

Not sure how much Jesus loves you? Feeling alone in your storm? Essential reading here. Care, by Melissa Carey Share on X
The fabulous Melissa Carey

Melissa Carey is a Bible Study leader in Arlington, Virginia. Her passion for the nativity story led her to share the joy of Christmas with others through The Christmas Cabinet. This glorious advent calendar becomes a nativity scene. The accompanying booklet weaves together Old Testament Messianic prophecies, Roman history and the salvation joy found only in Christ.  

Visit Melissa’s amazing Christmas Cabinet website

Find more Words on Wednesday

One thought on “Care, by Melissa Carey

  1. Hilda Koen says:

    Wonderful. I needed to hear this again this morning with everything going on in the US , and frankly all over the world.

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