
Beginning, by Debb Hackett

‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’ John 1:1

Is mid January too late to restart the new year? I have some lofty goals for 2024. Probably like a lot of folks, I intend to wave goodbye to some pounds and usher in a new level of personal fitness. I’d like to be more intentional about time with family and friends. And, while I cannot control the opinions of an acquisitions editor, I can control how hard I work at my writing.

But despite these smart goals, here I am, January 10 and I haven’t really done a lot to further them. Unless typing this in workout gear counts. Does it? It took effort to squeeze into the lycra so I probably burned some calories. I’ve spent time with my large and comprehensive writing planner, examining the valued by which I want to live. After that, I attributed tasks that reflect those values and will help accomplish my goals for the year. I find the process rewarding and motivating. But the best part? It propels me to the foot of the cross.

The True Beginning

As I look back at the year behind, I can assess what went well and what changes I’d like to see for this year. Some of my hopes are achievable under my own steam. It shouldn’t take an act of God to get me out for a walk or into the gym. But managing my time well enough to find a spare hour or even a half hour, that could well take divine intervention. Certainly, writing a book that’s good enough to sell, does. I’m a Christian. I love Jesus. He’s the one who gave me a family to love and the ability and dream to write. Why would I try and do any of it without him? So as I assess my dreams and put a plan in place to help me chase them, I feel the pull of prayer. I want all of the things to begin with Jesus. I want him to lay his hands over mine as I type. To fill and refill my heart with patience as I parent. To give me the motivation to have a well kept home such that I’m not working on chores when my husband gets home, but can spend evenings with him. And before anyone furrows a brow, I don’t work outside the home, my husband is a military officer and king of both the laundry room and dishwasher. Also the bringer of coffee. I am blessed.

An Invitation to Begin

All of my plans start with Jesus. And the beauty of this is that it doesn’t matter when. One of my mum’s favorite verses was Matt 6:34

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

In this context, to me, this verse says not to borrow trouble or worry about what’s next. Even if what’s next is that thing we should have done three days ago. We don’t just begin at the stroke of midnight on Dec 31/Jan 1. Our days restart every 24 hours, but actually, the power of prayer brings a restart even more readily. At any moment, we can begin again. Jesus is waiting. He’s ready to shoulder any trouble and renew you. And wouldn’t it be amazing if, a third of the way through January, we let go of our resolutions and grabbed ahold of Jesus instead?

A Different Year

Have you ever watched the TV show, The Chosen? If not, I highly recommend it. Season one is on Netflix (at least in the UK it is), it’s also completely free online, or via their free app. One of my favor the parts is use of the word different. Mary describes how she was one way (in torment) and then she met Jesus and is now completely different. When Jesus calls Matthew the tax collector, Peter protests saying Matthew is trouble. Jesus points out Peter brought his own trouble, but Peter claims it’s different with Matthew. Jesus’ only response is that’s calling Peter was also different, back when the fisherman was invited to follow.

My point is this. We all bring varying types and degrees of trouble when we come to the Lord. But HE IS DIFFERENT. And so will we be when we reconnect with him, daily, hourly or even minute by minute. I invite you to do that today. To invite Jesus right into the thick of your plans and dreams for 2024 and make this a different beginning.

Start or restart this year differently. Check out Beginning, by Debb Hackett, for The Word on Wednesday. Share on X
Debb Hackett

I’m a military wife, mom to two teenage girls, Young Lifer, worship leader, baker and poor but ardent skier. I bleed green and gold (go Pack) and love Jesus. I’ve written a Bible study for military wives and am working hard on a contemporary romance series. 

If you’d like a great book on writing I helped with, here’s the link...

And you can find more Word on Wednesdays here

To check out The Chosen, start here…

4 thoughts on “Beginning, by Debb Hackett

  1. Mark Seaman says:

    Thanks for this word Debb, pray to be ‘different’ this year & dedicate more prayer, thought, & focus on Jesus the one who is never different. His love, forgiveness & passion for us is always constant. He never changes but how exciting is the change He can make in us. 🙏

  2. Catherine Hutton says:

    I love how the drive to the cross is the beginning of transformation. Beautiful writing Debb. Praying you have a restorative year.

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