
Beginning, by Debb Hackett

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. John 1:1-2

At the risk of being cliched, we are at the precipice of a new year. The beginning. I’m sure you’re like me and have faced several dauting starts in your life. A new job, relationship, treatment? A different school or role within your community? Changed churches or moved house, city, country? Those transitions can be tricky, and sometimes they’re changes that are beyond our control. 

The arrival of a new year is a little like that. As much as we may sometimes wish, we can’t control time. The children will only be small for so long, a great TV show will only last a set time, and even the greatest date night must come to an end. Conversely, that root canal will eventually be over, and you really won’t sit in traffic forever, no matter how much it feels like you will. 

Jesus knew his time among us was limited. He left Heaven to be born, fully man. From the second he arrived, someone was trying to kill him, and thirty-three-ish years later, someone else succeeded. But only for three days. (I’m feeling charismatic – can I get an ‘amen’ or a ‘preach’ here)? On the third day, the clock on death ran out, and it’s hold on Jesus expired. ‘Yes, Debb’ I hear you think, ‘but we’ve celebrated Christmas and it isn’t Easter for several months. What’s your point? Good question!

Jesus in every beginning

As we enter the third year of the world not feeling normal, I think following the example set by Jesus is key to getting started and continuing through the year on a firm foundation.

PRAYER: First, Jesus connected with this Heavenly father, often. Scripture points out multiple instances where Jesus withdrew to pray. In the temple, in a garden, on the other side of the lake… so begin this year by spending time with God. Discuss your hopes and dreams for the year, your concerns or fears, and invite Him to show up and have His way.

KINDNESS: Jesus put other people first all the time. In situations where he could have condemned, he encouraged. In situations he could have avoided, he stepped in and healed. When people didn’t understand, he found new ways to teach. Make this year, the year people see there’s something different about you. Bring Jesus everywhere you go.

CONSTANCY: Jesus didn’t give up. We are all human, and the enemy loves to press the discouragement button. Let’s start the year as we mean to go on. Resolute. Formulate your ‘how I battle’ plan for when those low moments come, and stand firm.

With these three steps, each day is a new beginning, each hour. With Jesus, as we read in John 1:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’ There’s no finer way to travel through the year.  

He was with God in the beginning. We should be too.

About Debb…

Debb Hackett

I’m a military wife and mom to two teenage girls (oh Lord have mercy). I write contemporary romance and have written a Bible study for military wives. I love to play guitar, read and ski, and I bleed green and gold (go Pack go). Swing by when I’ve been baking – the kettle is always on ready alert. 

If you’d like a great book on writing I helped with, here’s the link...

And you can find more Word on Wednesdays here

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