
Anticipation, by Kimberley Woodhouse

I opened my mouth and panted [with anticipation], Because I longed for Your commandments. Psalm 119 : 131 (Amplified)

Last night I received news that one of my books is a finalist in a big award. This book has now finaled in five awards and it makes my mind spin to even think of what God has done through His gift of story. 

To say that I am living in just a bit of anticipation to find out if it is a winner is an understatement.

I imagine it’s a lot like how we were as children in anticipation of our birthday… or Christmas. (Can you remember those days? I know, it’s been longer for some of us than others. <ahem, cough, cough> But give it your best shot and give it a whirl. We’re going to use our imaginations and rememberers. 😊)

Today though, I want to talk about the anticipation that is shown in the verse above.

Imagine you haven’t had a drop of water or any other liquid for twenty-four hours. Can you feel the dryness of your mouth? The cracks on your lips? The parched throat? Every cell within your body is crying out for a drink of water!

Now imagine in that state that you are headed toward a beautiful table, and in the center of it is a large, sparkling, crystal decanter that is almost overflowing with the clearest, cool water. You crave that water with such desperation that you feel you might die in anticipation.

Will you run for it? Crawl for it if your body can’t support you anymore? Will you slowly savor every last drop, or will you chug it down as fast as can?

What would you do to get to that water?


That, my friends, is anticipation. Real anticipation. Imagine longing and craving for the Lord’s words and commandments like you crave that water. (I bet you’re even a little bit thirsty right now, aren’t you?) 

That’s how we should long for HIM. 

Each and every day we have the opportunity to wake up and start fresh. We can either say, “Good Lord, it’s morning.” With a grunt and moaning. OR… we can say, “Good morning, Lord!” And arise with ANTICIPATION for what He has in store for us. 

Every day we have the opportunity to shine His light. To be His hands and feet. To encourage others. Are we living in anticipation of that?

What about spending time with the Lord in prayer and in study of His Word? If you haven’t grabbed onto this delight and anticipation of what He has to show you each day, then it’s easy to keep on in the hum-drum-another-day-another-crisis-another-problem-another-ugh-I-don’t-even-want-to-face-it. Yes, I’ve been there too. 

Sometimes, we need the reminder from someone who loves us… someone helping us up to the next step… to keep on keepin’ on. To remember how much He loves us. And how much we have to look forward to in this life and beyond. 

I want to leave you with the verse below which is from Peter’s sermon in Acts 2. Right here, he’s quoting David. And look at the translation here in the Amplified version: will encamp in anticipation of the resurrection!!! David—flawed and sinful David—a man after God’s own heart lived—encamped—in anticipation of what was to come. 


You and I can dwell in this same place. In complete anticipation of what God is going to do, of His return, of Heaven. Eternal life with Him. 

I don’t know about you, but that’s where I want to live. And I needed that reminder today. 

To God be the glory.

Acts 2:26 (Amplified)

‘Therefore my heart rejoiced and my tongue exulted exceedingly; Moreover my flesh also will live in hope’ [that is, will encamp in anticipation of the resurrection];

Until next time, my friends… keep on keepin’ on!


Kimberley Woodhouse


Kimberley Woodhouse is an award-winning and bestselling author of more than twenty-five books. A lover of history, she’s sucked into the past and her husband lures her out with chocolate and golf. Passionate about in-depth Bible study, she has been a Precept Leader for many years. Married to the love of her life for three decades, she lives and writes in Colorado, where she wears the hat of the “coolest grandma.”

To find out more about Kim’s books, follow her on social media, and sign up for her newsletter/blog, visit her website

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