Soul Raging by Ronie Kendig

Soul Raging forced me to commit a terrible reading sin. I couldn’t bring myself to turn to the back the book, but I needed to know something. Or else keep reading whilst half hiding from the text. So I begged a friend who’d already read it. If this level of investment in a character seems silly to you, you’ve probably never read a Ronie Kendig novel.

From the first time I heard about this series, over coffee with a friend, the idea fascinated me. Imagine a secret book that holds the details of every war in history, and a race of super soldiers. What Kendig did with this idea is astonishing. To weave such a diverse crew, allow them to drop into trouble anywhere across the globe with such ease, shows remarkable skill.

The promise that was made in the first book, Storm Rising has been fulfilled in this, third and final offering. With ever increasing complexity and the lines between good and evil muddied, readers are left guessing as to the final outcome until the very (cheer inducing) end.

Storm Rising, Kings Falling and Soul Raging are excellent books and highly recommended for lovers of thrillers, black ops, romantic suspense or all round epic reads.

Connect with Ronie Kendig’s website here…

Buy or sample Soul Raging here…

Check out my review of the first novel in the series, here…

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