The Price of Valor by Susan May Warren

I’ve been wanting to read The Price of Valor since I read page one of The Way of the Brave. The wait was beyond worth it. In the conclusion of her wonderful Global Rescue series, Susan May Warren weaves love and mayhem to a magical result.

Hamilton Jones (Ham) married his high school sweetheart, Signe Kincaid, the woman who helped him survive a traumatic childhood and stole his heart in the process. She’s all grown up now, and after thinking she was dead but discovering she was alive and well, but on a CIA rogue list, he sets off to reclaim the love of his life.

But this is Susan May Warren, so obviously it won’t be that simple. And she’s on rare form in this book. A volcanic eruption, tsunami, and treasonous politician all stand between the pair.

Can Ham put his family back together before someone gets killed? Will Signe clear her name and be adjust to a normal life after years of abuse at the hands of a terrorist?

Mix those giant questions with the now beloved staff of Global Rescue, and throw in a handful of Montana Marshalls, and wow, have you got yourselves a truly great read. This is not a book to miss.

Read about book one, The Way of the Brave here…

And learn about book two, the Heart of a Hero, here…

Connect with Susan May Warren here…

And read an excerpt or buy The Price of Valor here…

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