Under Scottish Stars by Carla Laureano

This is my third new author of the summer, and I’m hitting a 100% success rate. Under Scottish Stars is an utterly charming book from start to finish. This is the third in a trilogy but I didn’t feel like I’d missed out by not reading the preceding stories. I do, however, plan to do that in the future, just for sheer enjoyment.

Serena MacDonald’s marriage wasn’t a happy one, but did give her two children who form the center of her world. She’s existing in her marital home until her daughter gets expelled from school. Then there’s a need for extra help at the family hotel. Those two events collide to cause a temporary move to Serena’s childhood home–the beautiful island of Skye.

Once there, she takes an instant dislike to the hotel manager, and that reaction is mutual. Malcolm bristles, feeling micromanaged, despite Serena’s compliments about the work he does. Slowly the pair form a truce and then the sparks start.

This is a well thought out and delivered book about the joy and pain involved in moving on from tragedy, and where to find the strength to start over. I’d definitely recommend it.

You can Carla Laureano’s website here…

To buy or preview Under Scottish Stars, click here…

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