Border Breach by Darlene L. Turner

Border Breach has made me very happy because Darlene Turner is a friend from writing class. I’m a long way behind her in my journey. However, I’m delighted to celebrate her debut novel, especially such a good one.

The story of Kaylin, a Canadian Border patrol officer and constable Hudson Steeves is a proper page-turner. The bullets start flying in chapter one and barely stop in time for the end! Drugs are coming across the US/Canadian Border and as Kaylin tries to solve the problem with Hudson, it becomes clear someone is trying to stop her, the lethal way.

The threat to Kaylin’s life is made more interesting because the last time she worked with Hudson they had a definite personality clash. This time, however, the annoyance seems to have morphed into attraction.

If you like strong characters and a plot that truly keeps you guessing, this is a great choice for you. Every time I thought I could see something coming, it didn’t. I thought I’d spotted the hidden baddie but, again, wrong (I figured it out at about 75% through). I also really liked that this novel is set in Canada. That makes a refreshing change.

All told, this is a strong debut. Turner has marked her corner of the romantic suspense market and is in a commanding position to maintain it. Bravo!

To grab a copy of Border Breach, click here…

For Darlene’s website, click here…

And to check out my most anticipated reads of 2020, click here…

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