Take a Chance on Me by Becky Wade

Take a Chance on Me is one of those novellas that may be short but is oh so sweet. From the first line that drew my attention, I was grabbed by the story of Eli and Penelope.

To be fair, I am married to a fighter pilot so enjoyed seeing familiar life issues and male behaviors that are so near and dear to my heart. Like Penelope I’ve struggled with the separation of military service. I’ve spent time praying when worry threatened to overtake all other emotions, and cried tears of joy at safe returns.

Penelope wrestled with knowing that choosing Eli would lead to these situations, and she didn’t make her choice lightly. Meanwhile, Eli knew gold when he saw it and pursued her beyond the point some would have quit. I found myself saying “yep” or “exactly” out loud several times. I too love a hero and delighted in seeing those words in print.

Despite being novella length, as with her novellas in the past, Wade pulls readers into caring about the characters lives, while enjoying a glimpse of the town and its inhabitants.

The novella itself sets readers up to visit Misty River, later into Spring and I can’t wait. Sam has already captured my attention so I’m counting the days (again) until a Becky Wade release day. For now, I hope you’ll love this free novella as much as I did.

If you’d like to visit Becky’s website, click here…

To download your FREE copy of Take a Chance on Me, click here…

Find details of the first full book in the Misty River series here…

And for my most anticipated reads of 2020, click here…

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