The Dating Charade by Melissa Ferguson

The Dating Charade is a really enjoyable read. I hadn’t planned on reading it so quickly or so early into 2020 (I already have a burgeoning TBR pile), but then I saw the author was doing a signing twenty minutes from where we ski on Saturdays. I couldn’t go to the event, but called the store and they had a book set aside which Melissa graciously signed.

So obviously I was going to at least put my nose in, right? Well that’s the first thing about this book – if you make it past chapter one (and I can’t see why a person wouldn’t), then you’ll need to finish it quickly to see what happens.

The characters are well written and made me feel like I knew them right away. Then there are some very funny situations but some moving ones too. How could two people end up with six children between them and keep it a secret? Hilarious concept. There were some twists I didn’t see coming, and very satisfying epilogue.

I would have liked to see a little more of the romance and a little less of the life situations, but that’s just a personal preference, not a criticism of the writing in any way. Make no mistake, I’ll be eagerly anticipating Ferguson’s next release.

To check out Melissa’s website, click here….

If you’d like to read an excerpt or buy The Dating Charade, click here…

And to see some of my top reads for 2020, click here…

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