The Wedding Dress Christmas by Rachel Hauck

The Wedding Dress Christmas made me very happy. Let’s be honest right up front. I am a complete sucker for a Christmas love story. There’s something about a crisp night when you can feel the magic mingling with the snowflakes. Before we go any further, it’s important to note this is part of a series but can stand alone. I’d highly recommend the rest of the books though. They are all fantastic.

To the book in question. This is a lovely novella. I was very happy to return to Hearts Bend, Tennessee, having loved the other books set there. In this installment we meet famous county singer Buck Matthews (can I say what a great name that is), who has returned home to take a break from touring and spend time with his mom who isn’t well. JoJo Castle had dreamed of travel and adventure until she met the scary side of the wider world, causing her to run back home and rebuild her life surrounded by the safe and familiar.

When the former best friends are thrown together, both have to reevaluate what is most important to them and just maybe face up to some fears.

As I read the back cover for this book, in my mind I had it all figured out. I’ve read a lot of romance novels. But oh my stars, I had forgotten who the author was. Rachel Hauck stories (even the shorter novella length ones), should come with a mascara warning. This is a beautifully woven love story with a near perfect blend of chuckles and tender moments. I’m very glad to own this and will be pulling out my copy each year as the nights draw closer.

Next Steps…

To read an excerpt, buy the nook (you won’t be disappointed) or to connect with Rachel, click here…

If you enjoyed The Wedding Dress Christmas, maybe consider another festive read – click here for another suggestion…

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