One Final Breath by Lynn Blackburn

It’s with mixed emotions an avid reader picks up the final book in a brilliant series, but I had been ready to read Gabe and Anissa’s story since I first met them in Beneath the Surface. This whole series has been wonderful. The second installment, In Too Deep kept the pages turning apace and then, lastly, came One Final Breath.

This story had me gripped from the first page to the last word. When I closed the book, my next thought was ‘how long till her next series?’. Gabe and Anissa are no ordinary love story. With a complicated past together and as individuals, fireworks were inevitable and the promise that began in Beneath the Surface was fulfilled.

Blackburn has the ability to make you know her characters so well that you miss them. I wondered about them, long after I finished the book. The plot of One Final Breath had me wondering (and to be honest, worrying) about what might happen next.

The depth of character development across the dive team has been impressive to me as a reader. I had the opportunity to ask the author what had been the most fun about writing Gabe and Anissa’s story…

“Ah, Gabe. Everything was fun about Gabe. He was fun from the first page of Beneath the Surface and I was thrilled when it was finally time to get inside his head in One Final Breath. My favorite scenes to write were when he was joking around with his friends – his dialogue and snappy comebacks were the best through the whole series and in One Final Breath I also got his internal monologue, which was also…wait for it…fun. 🙂 

While you didn’t ask for me rank these, I would say that my second favorite part of writing Gabe was watching his relationship with Anissa unfold. This is a guy who on the surface is the class clown but deep down is a rock. He’s loyal. He’s a true friend to her even when she still hasn’t decided whether or not she wants him to be her friend. And he has a romantic side that is just so sweet. 

My least favorite part of writing Gabe was the pressure to get him right! The #TeamGabe fans have been vocal since the first book and I didn’t want them to be disappointed when their favorite hero finally got his story told!”

As one of the earliest users of #TeamGabe, I think she nailed it.

Next Steps…

To read and excerpt from One Final Breath click here… this link will also take you direct to Lynn Blackburn’s website and places you can buy the book. I hope you enjoy the Dive Team Investigation Series as much as I did.

And to check out my most anticipated reads of 2020, click here…

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