All Made Up by Kara Isaac

All Made Up made me very happy. In the summer of 2018 I “discovered” Kara Isaac. The cover of Then There Was You showed up on a couple of Facebook pages I follow and intrigued me.  I looked it up and really liked the back-cover copy.

Then I read it. Oh. My. Stars. So began a trip through her back catalog (well worth a read) I got invited to join her launch team. Rumors I begged are exaggerated, but not by much.

Such an entertaining read…

I was very excited when All Made Up arrived. I was thrilled because my daughter had surgery this week and during the interrupted nights tending to her, a new book from a new favorite author was just what, well, the doctor ordered.

The novel is a fun-yet-meaningful contemporary romance, and Isaac’s voice rang clearly throughout. Kat is a makeup artist. Until the unthinkable happens and by accident (only in a Kara Isaac novel could this occur), Kat ends up on a reality dating show where the bachelor is Caleb Murphy, the only man she ever loved, but who broke her heart.

All sorts of twists and turns commence, with everything from fun in the farm stalls, (Caleb is a farmer), and over the top reality contestants, to the heartbreaking issues of infertility and Alzheimers.

The theme of sacrificial love and the impact it has on a relationship resonated from every chapter. Isaac has an impeccable ability to weave delightful froth and meaningful issues seamlessly.

If you’re looking for a new contemporary romance winner, the story does stand alone. The only thing is you’ll know how two of the previous novels end.

The prose is lovely and descriptive, the conversation witty and biting, then tender and moving. And yes, the ending is very satisfying. Well worth reading and great company during the night shift.

For Kara Isaac’s Amazon page, click here.

And to check out my most anticipated reads of 2020, click here…

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