With All Her Heart

With All Her Heart, by Kelly Irvin

With All Her Heart is such a sweet story. I read quite a few Amish stories. Partly because I’m fascinated with the lifestyle and in awe of the strength it must take, and partly because there are some extremely gifted authors writing such stories. Such us the case here.

Kelly Irwin has woven together a simple story but with such complex layers it makes my head hurt thinking about the plotting involved. Bonnie is part owner of a thriving handmade goods store but fears she’ll never find love. Bonnie has a life altering condition that makes mobility difficult, but she is determined to not give up.

Meanwhile, Elijah is painfully shy and feels trapped as he’s expected to work in his family’s auction business. A role requiring him to be outgoing. Instead he wants to start his own woodworking business with his talent for hand carved items. When Bonnie sees them, she instantly wants to sell them in her store. As the go into business, Elijah finds he’s not tongue tied with everyone.

In the background run side plots involving matchmaking, family pressure and the long term future for Bonnie’s widowed mom and their farm. All told this is a lovely story and I would definitely recommend this book and the authors to anyone who enjoys Amish fiction or contemporary romance.

I received an audiobook copy of With All Her Heart from the publisher via NetGalley. The enjoyment is all my own.

With All Her Heart

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