The Christmas Catch

The Christmas Catch, by Toni Shiloh

The Christmas Catch is a thoroughly enjoyable story that I struggled to put down.

Bebe and Jahleel were high school sweethearts but a college offer to prepare him for the NFL tore them apart. When Jahleel is injured, he heads home to try and save his career, despite a tricky relationship with his pastor father. After her marriage falls apart, Bebe returns to her hometown with her daughter. She begins teaching and rebuilding her life. The last person she expected to see was her ex.

But then the chemistry zings. And all the things Shiloh excels at jump to the fore. High stakes for both – Jahleel’s career AND heart are on the line, Bebe’s heart is also at risk and she can’t let her daughter get attached. Shiloh also writes the best rough parent relationship in all Christian Fiction, I think. Jahleel’s dad, despite being a pastor, is a self-righteous piece of work.

However, this is Toni Shiloh. A master craftswoman. With a strong thread of faith that I adore about all her books (I’ve probably read 80-%), the two work together to benefit their community, and with a little sprinkling for Christmas magic, relationships are healed and given new starts. This lovely story is a quick read and will set your heart up perfectly for Christmas.

I received a copy of The Christmas Catch from the publisher via NetGalley. The opinions are all my own.

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here (US) or here (UK)

Visit Toni Shiloh’s website

Check out some other Toni Shiloh stories…

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