
Transformed, by Debb Hackett

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.‘ Romans 12:2

Does this challenge anyone else? It’s currently kicking my you know what. I’ve always believed transformation would happen gradually over time. Human experience shows we are influenced either overtly or subconsciously by those we spend the most time with. So if I spend more time with Jesus, in prayer, reading scripture, and in worship, doesn’t transformation stand to reason?

Not quite that easy, as it turns out. Transformation is an active verb and a daily, often hourly choice. And according to far smarter theologians than me, the way transformed is used in this sentence, there’s no third option. We either transform or conform. So which is it?

Words into action

We faced a difficult situation recently, one that caused some righteous anger. We checked in with other believers to make sure our response was godly, and followed advice for directed prayer over events. Wow though, it took quite a long time to get to that place of humility. I spent the larger part of an evening alternating between tears and wanting to punch something. Then as my husband and I read through scripture (Ephesians 6) and then prayed it over the situation, I felt it. The anger dissolved and Jesus replaced it. We were able to pray sincerely for the antagonists.

My challenge for us all this week is to be active in transformation. In his book Practicing the Way, John Mark Comer talk about the habits of apprentices. Chances are if you’re reading this blog post and haven’t stopped yet, you’re either an apprentice of Christ, or considering it seriously. Comer explains apprentices spend time with their teacher – in this context, the teacher is who or what you want to be transformed by. Apprentices then emulate their teacher and do what their teacher does.

Do you want to conform or be transformed? Because if you aren’t actively being transformed by choices you make and actions you take, then there’s only one alternative. The world wants us to conform to its standards, one small decision at a time. The choices often seem spiritually insignificant. Until you turn around and wow, look how far you’ve compromised on truth. Vigilance is key here. Along with repentance and grace. Lots of all three, the latter two freely offered by the Lord.

Working together

Now, in the comments, let’s brainstorm. How can we make sure we’re in the transformation camp?

Debb b&w

I’m a military wife, mom to two teenage girls, Young Lifer, worship leader, baker and poor but ardent skier. I bleed green and gold (go Pack) and love Jesus. I’ve written a Bible study for military wives and I’m working hard on a contemporary romance series. 

If you’d like a great book on writing I helped with, here’s the link...

And you can find more Word on Wednesdays here

One thought on “Transformed, by Debb Hackett

  1. Lori Altebaumer says:

    Love this message! I recently read in a Warren Wiersbe book “we are either conformers or transformers,” so I love that you, too, pointed out there is no middle ground. We are moving in one direction or the other, but we are not stationary. I believe surrounding ourselves with other godly, transformation minded people is a good way to make sure we stay in the right camp. The story you shared of your experience confirms the need to have those people in our lives. These posts and the people here are a mighty camp of transformers (who really aren’t “camping “at all, but always moving to take ground for the kingdom). Thanks, Debb!

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