
Flashpoint, by Susan May Warren & Lisa Phillips

Flashpoint certainly kept the pages turning, including between 0400 and 0500 when I just needed to finish the story so I knew how it ended. Fiddle. That was a quick and gripping read.

The basic premise has rookie firefighter Emily trying to prove herself to the hotshot team she’s joined. Instead, her quick thinking in an emergency sees her drafted to supervise special effects on a nearby movie set. The lead actor is troubled star Spenser Storm who’s trying to make a comeback after being stalked by a crazed fan. What he doesn’t know is that Emily used to be a major member of his fan club.

I always love how readable and engaging books by Susan May Warren are. Her characters are relatable, even if they live very different lives to me. The chemistry between these two sizzles almost as much as the fire that keeps smoldering around them. Both had definitely places for their characters to grow and mature and the issues they faced was deftly handled. I especially appreciated a twist toward the end that I didn’t seen coming.

This book would make a wonderful summer read. Recommended without reservation. I received a copy of Flashpoint from the publisher, the great enjoyment and opinions are all my own.

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here (US) or here (UK)

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