Buried Grave Secrets

Buried Grave Secrets, by Darlene L Turner

Buried Grave Secrets is a story that’ll keep you up until the end. One thing Darlene L Turner does better than many authors, is keep the pages turning. The action never stops.

In this instance, we have forensic anthropologist Jordyn Miller, called to freshly discovered bones. She’s barely out of her car before bullets start flying. Things get even more difficult when her ex, Constable Colt Peters is tasked by Jordyn’s own father to protect her. Can the two keep their unresolved feelings at bay long enough to catch the killer? Or will they be killed before they have a chance to reconcile?

So yes, not much going on here (ahem). Not only is Turner gifted at writing action scenes, she creates highly dislikable relative too, and Jordyn’s demanding father is no exception. As the danger grows and a loved one taken, Jordyn and Colt both learn the lessons needed to move forward and save lives. If you enjoy pulse quickening action and want a quick read to hold your attention, Buried Grave Secrets is definitely recommended.

I received a copy for review from the author. The enjoyment is all my own.

Buried Grave Secrets

Connect with Darlene L Turner via her website.

Grab a copy for UK here or US here.

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