
Disorder, by Kimberley Woodhouse

For God is not a God of disorder but of peace…” 1 Corinthians 14:33a

My life has been full of disorder—chaos—for quite a while now. Especially the last nine months. In fact, I can now say that the last nine months have been the hardest of my life. (Before this, we’ve dealt with some pretty major, life-changing, difficult times – so it comes as a shock, even to me, to admit this.)

I imagine that many of you are dealing with some horrifically hard circumstances right now too.

So please, bear with me, and I pray that this will encourage you. 

A few months ago, I lost my Dad after a six-year health battle. I won’t go into all the details, but losing a loved one is hard. Dementia is a brutal disease by itself, and even more so when coupled with other illnesses. And let’s be honest, grief is a beast.  

I felt like God had tipped the world upside-down and I was hanging on for dear life. Trying to keep up with everything and with some new major-life-changes happening for hubby and me all at the same time.

But here’s the thing. God is not a God of chaos. He is not up there shaking our snowglobe to see how we handle things. No. We know where the attacks, the chaos, and the disorder truly come from. The enemy would like nothing more than to see us wallowing and ineffective because chaos rules the day and we can’t think straight.   

Peace NOT confusion

That verse in 1 Corinthians is very clear, and I have needed that reminder over and over again the past few months. He is the God of peace. Not confusion. He is there, right beside us, each and every day. Holding us up. Walking beside us. Yes, sometimes even carrying us through the mess.

I was reminded of the passage in Ecclesiastes chapter three where it says, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and time to refrain from embracing;”

This past season for me has been difficult. Chaotic. I’ve struggled to make it through. But in those moments when I’ve kept my gaze firmly fixed on HIM, the chaos has melted away. Oh, if I could simply do that day in and day out. Every moment. Every breath. But I’m still a work in progress. I’m still learning and growing. 

Maybe you needed that reminder today. He IS peace. And no matter what we are going through, He is there. Ready with open arms.  

Until next time,

Kimberley Woodhouse

Kimberley Woodhouse

Kimberley Woodhouse is an award-winning and bestselling author of more than twenty-five books. A lover of history, she’s sucked into the past and her husband lures her out with chocolate and golf. Passionate about in-depth Bible study, she has been a Precept Leader for many years. Married to the love of her life for three decades, she lives and writes in the Poconos where she wears the hat of the “coolest grandma.”

To find out more about Kim’s books, follow her on social media, and sign up for her newsletter/blog, visit her website

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One thought on “Disorder, by Kimberley Woodhouse

  1. Kathy Bailey says:

    Great post, Kimberley. I love the image of the snow globe. sometimes the things that are thrown at us do seem random, don’t they? And only God knows how He’s going to bring us through.

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