Toni Shiloh has long been an auto-buy author for me and The Love Script further cemented that opinion.
This story sees Nevaeh, a Hollywood hairdresser saved from tripping by megastar actor Lamont Booker. Unfortunately the moment is snapped by a member of the paparazzi and misinterpreted. In order to save Lamont’s reputation and career, the two are encouraged to begin a fake relationship.
As both are Christians, neither feel good about lying, so agree to date in earnest. While this move boosts Lamont’s successful brand, it only makes Nevaeh’s life harder as the press dog her every step, ruining her work and living situation. And I’m not telling you any more of the story.
As ever with a Shiloh book, there’s a lot of lightheartedness, but also substance. And this is no different as both main characters wrestle with where to put their trust. Do they allow the Lord to dictate their steps or do they take matters into their own hands? There’s plenty of witty banter and several secondary characters that made me highly anticipate Shiloh’s next two offerings.
The characters are likable from the start, the baddies are thoroughly dislikable and the research into the high profile careers makes the story that bit more entertaining. I finished this book in two days. If you like contemporary romance with light and depth, this is a must read.
I received a copy of The Love Script from the publisher, via NetGalley. The gushing is all my own and well deserved.

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