Memory Lane

Memory Lane, by Becky Wade

Memory Lane was a book I highly anticipated, and I wasn’t disappointed.

After experiencing a trauma, stood sculptor Remy has settled on a remote island off the coast on Maine. Her life is simple and ordered and safe. Until she spots a swimmer in trouble in the ocean and rescues him. The man is in tough shape and to compound his injuries, has no memory of how he ended up in the water.

However, as Remy nurses “Jonah” back to full strength, his high maintenance tastes make it clear he’s no kindred spirit and sparks fly as the pair work out their differences. forced to the mainland for hospital care, Jonah is recognized but his memory remains elusive and Remy becomes the only thing that’s familiar. And it’s at this point things get crazy. Remy is forced far away from her comfort zone and Jonah thinks there might be a killer after him.

I think the thing I love most about Memory Lane is the sheer cleverness of it all. I’m not surprised. Becky Wade has been at the very top of her field for many years now, and this book will only further cement her in that position. In this story she combines mystery, intrigue, adventure, romance, faith, and great characters. That’s a lot to balance, especially while setting the scene for (I’m guessing) two further novels about the Camden brothers.

Memory Lane

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