Isadora Bentley

The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley, by Courtney Walsh

The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley first grabbed me with the title. Then the back cover copy. Courtney Walsh is a go to writer for me and this looked to be a doozy. It was.

The basic premise is a solitary academic researcher takes on thirty one challenges to disprove that the activities will make her happier. Gosh this was a fun yet deep story, and that’s not an easy skill to master. Walsh played my emotions like a marionette – one moment I was chuckling and the next feeling Isadora’s hurt in my chest.

As Isadora works through the different recommendations, she accrues new people in her life, and there’s nothing I love more than a story with ensemble art members who worm right into the heart. I instantly warmed to each of them, and probably warmed to Cal a little more than a married woman should. Such is Walsh’s skill.

My favorite thing about The Secret Life of Isadora Bentley is watching the different relationships blossom, just as Isadora did. I cheered when she smiled and sighed when she hurt. This is definitely recommended for anyone who enjoys contemporary romance, clever plot and a side order of rom com. Bravo.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley but the enjoyment was all my own.

Isadora Bentley

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