Counterfeit Hope

Counterfeit Hope, by Crystal Caudill

Counterfeit Hope had a LOT to live up to, because it followed an excellent debut by the author, Crystal Caudill. This book exceeded my every expectation. Wow.

The opening scene grabbed me right away. Even though the female lead flaunted some very poor qualities, my sympathy for her grew quickly. Lou Thorne faced abuse her whole life, failed by those who should love and protect her. Andrew Darlington suffered some of the same horrors but had escaped.

The two have no trust of each other but must work together if Secret Service Operative Andrew is to be successful in bringing down the family that has tormented Lou, the one he was born into.

From the get go, I loved the chemistry between Andrew and Lou. I was invested in Lou’s situation, and hoped she’d be released from misery. Andrew’s life wan’t much simpler, trying to bring down his own family and save his career.

Counterfeit Hope featured a number of clever twists I did not see coming. The result of the clever plot was that my attention never wavered. A clever use of secondary characters meant Lou could begin her escape spiritually, with the preacher’s wife, Mary.

The faith content is handled expertly. I applaud the author for that deft skill. The historical details make the story shine and if you love historical romance, this is an absolutely must read.

*I listened to the audiobook and the narrator is excellent.

Counterfeit Hope

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here

Visit Crystal Caudill’s website

Check out the first in the series, Counterfeit Love

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