Love and the Dream Come True

By Tammy L.Gray

Oh my goodness, for anyone who loves a good romance, Love and the Dream Come True is a must-read. In preparation for reading this book, I read the first two in the series. While this third offering will make complete sense without checking out the first two, I’d recommend doing so. Just because they’re great stories. And who doesn’t enjoy the inside scoop on a romantic hero?

And to be absolutely clear, Cameron Lee is a wonderful hero. A tortured musician, unable to play, desperate to move on from the unrequited love of his best friend. Enter Lexi, a woman who has adored Cam since she was a teenager. But now, she’s a single mom with an adopted daughter, bills to pay and a house to renovate. An attraction forms almost the minute the two old friends run into each other at a Cam’s sister’s wedding. But Cam know’s he’s leaving and Lexi has other things on her mind.

Love and the Dream Come True is a beautiful and engaging story. I really enjoyed the tome of this book. Lighthearted when need be but then weighty when the plot allowed. The banter between Cameron and Lexi’s teenage daughter, is particularly entertaining. You feel the attraction to soul level, and that requires extremely skilled writing. The moments where Cameron explored his missing faith were beautifully done too.

As I said at the start, if you enjoy contemporary Christian romance, this is a win.

Love and the Dream Come True

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