Submerged – by Dani Pettrey

Submerged is one of my top choices for romantic suspense.

Why do you read a book? Do you want to travel back in time or be swept off your feet? Perhaps you want to fight crime from the comfort of your armchair? For me, I want to travel the world. So when a novel or even better a series comes along and it’s set somewhere I’ve never been to, I’m pretty excited.

Christian romantic suspense is one of my favorite genres to read. I love a good mystery with lots of twists and turns. Dee Henderson, Lynette Eason, Colleen Coble and Irene Hannon, to name a few, are authors that I tend to stick to.

One day, Amazon, in it’s oh so altruistic manner (ok perhaps not) suggested I would like ‘Submerged’ by Dani Pettrey. I’d never heard of her, but the book was the first in a series set in Alaska, so I read the synopsis, thought it sounded intriguing and bought it. Seven books and a novella later and I still enjoy Pettrey’s writing very much.

For a new author launching a brand new series, there was nothing timid about this book. From the first few pages the pace and action moved right along.

In-depth Research

The research into Alaskan and Russian heritage was also evident. This was a novel carved out of hours of meticulous detail gathering. It’s set around the McKenna family of siblings in Alaska. The family runs an Adventure Recreation company so there’s a great backdrop for all kinds of intrigue and mix up.

This first novel revolves around a sabotaged plane, hidden treasure and a stone cold romance revived. Beautifully woven around that is the story of heroine Bailey’s redemption from a nasty past and the repairing of Cole McKenna’s heart in the process.

For me, discovering a new author is like opening a sack of gifts and through the Alaskan Courage series I have (among other things) gotten to be professional skier (as I sit her with a torn ACL) and raced the Iditarod.

If you enjoy a cracking plot, characters you want to be friends with, description that sets your imagination loose and being reminded of why the Lord is so great, go check out Dani Pettrey. 

And to check out my most anticipated reads of 2020, including Dani Pettrey’s next novel, click here…

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