TWoW Temptation

Temptation, by Melissa Carey

“Watch and pray so that you won’t enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Mark 14:38

American educational systems encourage kids with learning differences to have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). It’s a personally tailored, specialized instruction plan to equip kids to help them succeed in school.  

I seriously think that the Enemy has an IEP for each one of us. Not to help us succeed, but to try to make us fail in our walk with God.  Unlike God who has “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,” (Jer 29:11) the Enemy has plans to thwart us, to dishearten us, and to make us fail. 

Satan is so very clever. His IEP for me is spot on, tailored to a perfect fit, knowing just what methods best tempt me. He has carefully considered my vulnerabilities, observed my behavior patterns (crouching at the door), and mapped a plan to sabotage my walk with God. 

In his very first Bible appearance, Satan masterfully tempts and manipulates Eve (and consequently Adam) to bring about the greatest human derailment of a relationship with God in history. 

I love the vocabulary that different translations use in Genesis 3:1 to describe Satan’s technique: The serpent was more “crafty, subtle, skilled in deceit, cunning, intelligent, sneakier” than any of the living creatures the Lord God had made. 

Credit where credit is due, Satan is really good at what he does. 

And, once I think I’ve  learned the material and mastered the temptation lesson plan, Satan introduces another subject! Letting down my guard for just a moment allows Satan to introduce new material. 

To paraphrase a dear friend, “You never fail God‘s tests, but you keep learning the material until you pass.”

I’ve been asking the Holy Spirit to show me where in my life I need to heed Paul’s warning in Eph 4:27  to not give the devil the opportunity to defeat me.

And He gives me the answer:  I am  not alone in the struggle. While my flesh is weak, I have the Holy Spirit who is willing to fight for me!  And, I have prayer!  I’ve seen the end of the movie.  I know I have a savior who has conquered this earthly educator, who has disarmed him and triumphed over him.  

Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, who overcomes any evil IEP, and who is way greater than the author of it!  I can be strong in the Lord and live in the strength of his might.

The fabulous Melissa Carey

Melissa Carey is a teacher and Bible Study leader in Arlington, Virginia. Her passion for the nativity story led her to share the joy of Christmas with others through The Christmas Cabinet, an advent calendar that becomes a nativity scene and weaves together the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, Roman history and the salvation joy found only in Christ.  

Visit Melissa’s amazing Christmas Cabinet website

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One thought on “Temptation, by Melissa Carey

  1. Lori Altebaumer says:

    I like the IEP analogy. Makes me think IEP for the Enemy stands for Individual Evil Plan. And this all reminds me of a book I read years ago, Overcoming Your Shadow Mission by John Ortberg. Because, as Christians, we all should understand that if God has a purpose for us (and He does), then Satan has one too. Thanks for the reminder to be diligent in staying on guard to the devil’s schemes.

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