Never Leave Me

Never Leave Me by Jody Hedlund

I waited a LONG time to read Never Leave Me. And I wasn’t disappointed. Oh snap, no. Binge read in 36 hours. Would’ve taken less time, but I have a family to feed and love.

This is the second, and I think, final installment in the Waters of Time Series. In my opinion, you definitely need to read the first book, Come Back to Me, and there’s a link at the bottom to learn more about that story. The basic premise is finding and using Holy Water from a well, associated with the Tree of Life, to cure terminal illness.

But then throw in a time-travel component, pulling the drinker of the water back to the 1380’s, and a love story that spans centuries, and boom, you have the magnificent ending to a highly imaginative series.

This book focuses on Ellen, the sister of Marian, the heroine from the first book. Ellen is dying. Marian’s former colleague Harrison, an English Lord, himself, paraplegic, is frantically scouring the globe to find the water to cure Ellen, the love of his life. Ellen watched the water take her father and sister, presuming them dead.

But what the reader knows, is that Marian is, in fact, alive and happily married in 1382!

Trouble in two different eras…

Harrison finds more water, left for him in the past to cure Ellen, and that’s when it all kicks off. Ellen is kidnapped by a ruthless doctor, determined to replicate the Holy Water. Harrison’s only way to save her is to go back in time to discover where she’s being held.

Both Harrison and Ellen must face a reality they didn’t think possible, and confront their long denied feelings for each other. Then they need to contend with enemies in both the present and the past. All told, this book is a stunning read. Highly recommended.

Never Leave Me

Grab a copy or read an excerpt…

Visit Jody’s website

Check out the first in the series (utterly brilliant)…

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