Transformed, by Catherine Hutton

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

I love the transformation that being a daughter of the Most High God, the King of Kings and the Creator of Heaven and Earth has brought to my life. I love that being a little sister of King Jesus transforms my attitude and rootedness to the earth into a transcendent and beautiful thing. The opening words to the Wesleyan Covenant Prayer; “I am no longer my own but yours”, gives voice to my acknowledgement of and commitment to this transformation.

I love that my transformation in Christ gives me freedom to acknowledge God’s delightedness in me as his daughter. Let me tell you a bit about this. 

The gift of colour (color)

I am a minister in the Methodist Church in the UK. I have been for over 20 years and in the early days I would regularly beat myself with 1 Timothy 2:12 and that I should be more like a man in ministry. Occasionally, the colour would break through and I would be more myself, but there was often a separation between my inner self and my ‘acting as minister’. In time, I received prayer ministry and in a beautiful time of healing and complete surrender of every part of my life to God, I found myself transformed once again. A renewed mind, a healed heart, a fresh vision. God gifted me with colour in my life. I knew I was absolutely the woman whom he was calling, transforming and continuing to equip as his minister.

Each day, I take time to be seen. I’m a natural redhead, although under the colour I’m maybe more white now middle age is firmly knocking and demanding acknowledgement. My skin is pale. I have eyebrows and lashes that can’t be seen. Each day I allow colour to transform me. It is a sacramental time… I let the richness of God’s blessing in me be revealed in the colour I wear; the gentle application of a touch of glittery shadow and richly black mascara, a sweep of bronzer and a dab of blush. I allow colour to touch my lips in acknowledgement that His words are honey on them and I will endeavour to speak them well and beautifully. Hurried make-up routines of slapdash application don’t look good – or I don’t have the skill to make them look good, so I take time. Time to focus and allow God to speak to me at the start of each day. 

A child of God

I am no longer my own. I am God’s daughter – a little sister of Jesus. Each day, as I come and look into the mirror, I let the grace and peace of his love fill me. Each day, I come to the cross and surrender to the Saviour who died, that my life might be transformed. Each day, I let my mind be renewed and resist the pull of the world to conform to its currents. Each day, I rise and know that I am who I am because he has made me and remade me. 

Transformation is a good thing. Transformed, we are able to know and do the perfect will of God. How are you transformed by God’s love? I’d love to hear your stories.

About Catherine…

Catherine Hutton is a Jesus Follower, wife to Gavin and mum to Joel and Aidan. Ordained in the Methodist Church in Great Britain; currently leading Epsom and Cheam Methodist Churches. Catherine writes discipleship style Bible Studies, and loves to preach, evangelise and innovate for local mission. She can be found exploring tea shops, walking the chihuahua and finding bargains in the charity shops, when not reading.

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