This Time Around

This Time Around, by Denise Hunter, Melissa Ferguson and Kathleen Fuller, is a spot-on beach read novella collection. As the overall title suggests, each story focuses on past relationships being put back together. But of course, the path of true love never runs smoothly, and that’s certainly the case here.

In A Summer Detour Allie Adams volunteers to drive a restored vintage car, only to discover it’s a stick shift and she never learned. She already feels like the family screw up, so appeals to Luke Fletcher for help. The same Luke, who abandoned their relationship before it really began.

Pining For You by Melissa Ferguson is a fun journey to a VA Christmas tree farm with Theo Watkins III. Meticulous Theo puts his corporate life on hold to help rescue his family business, when Skye Fuller’s father is badly injured and unable to work there. Can he win Skye’s heart back?

And finally, in He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, small town florist Sophie has to choose between two men who want to date her. Will she pick steady the high school football coach or the high flying attorney?

All three deliver a thoroughly pleasant dose of second chances, romantic truths and a few chuckles. If you’re looking for a relaxing, feel good summer read, this is an ideal choice. 

Here’s Denise Hunter’s website

Melissa Ferguson’s website is here…

And here’s Kathleen Fuller’s website

Buy This Time Around, or read an excerpt…

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